M.E.T.R. - Mácháč Extreme Trail Run 60km
See the beautiful region of the Macha´s lake from different perspective.Ultramarathon that will guide you through the most awesome places around the Macha´s Lake. Ultramarthon for both amateurs and elite runners.
Race package pick up
Friday 17.5. from 19:00 to 21:00 RZ Preciosa, pod Borným,Mácha´s Lake (see arrows to registration)
Saturday 18.5. from 7:00 to 8:00 RZ Preciosa
Only online until 13.5.2013 (see Entry link above)
Entries made on the race day won´t be accepted !!!
Men 0-40 years M4 Women 0-40 years Z4
40-50 years M5 40-50 years Z5
50-60 years M6 50-60 years Z6
60 over M7 60 over Z7
Start fee
400czk until 22.4. 2013
500czk until 13.5. 2013
Entry fee for foreigners athlete can be paid at the registration or through PayPal in your local currency (contact organizers for exchange rate)
PayPal account - jvfrancke@gmail.com
Mandatory pre-race meeting 8:40am
Race start 9:00am
Food and drinks at the start and finish line
There won´t be any refresment stations on the race trail, each athlete have to carry with them their own drinks and food or can get it from their support team
Each athlete will get free meal and beer or soft drink after finishing the race
Checkpoint stations
There will be accidental checkpoints on the trail which each athlete needs to pass.
Shortening the trail means DNS
Time limit
12 hours from the start of the race (so until 21:00)
Awards ceremony
Approximately from 18:00, depends on the finished athletes in each category
For the first three male and female overall cash prizes
1. 2000czk 2. 1500czk 3. 1000czk
Great prizes for the first three finishers in each category
All athletes are invited for great afterparty with live music, food, beer and fun. Start 20:00
Directly at the race place RZ Karolínka - www.karolinkamachac.cz, tel. 733167598 early booking recommended
Also RZ Arnika, Camp Borný
Lenght of the race
Mostly trails, off road, forest roads with short runs on paved roads.
Profile and map of the race
coming soon
Race marking
Sign arrows, ribbons, race signs
Each athlete will receive map and notes for the race and it is highly recommended to take it with you!
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